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World Kindness Day 2020

13th November 2020 marks National Kindness Day and to celebrate we want to share some of the kind things our young people have been getting up to with their Key Projects lately. Take a look at a handful below.

Key Group: We Are Family 

After spending time with their families at a close by allotment, this Key Group wanted to give other families access to the same experience. With this in mind, they decided to revamp an unused space in their local area by adding some raised beds ready for planting. The group also created vegetable planting kits and invited local families to come together and spend time planting, caring for and digging vegetables. Quality time was had by all and the project now aims to benefit more and more local members.


Key Group: Bilton's Party Parade

This group wanted to spread some kindness to the local community after their much-anticipated community fun day was cancelled due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. Deciding they didn't want to let others go without, the group took the fun day to households in their local area by organising a parade around the streets adhering to social distancing guidelines. Dressing up as characters and hiring props, the group ensured that children and young people got to see something fun and different from the safety of their own homes. The group even handed out some tasty chocolate eggs to spectators too, spreading kindness and happiness with their Key Project.


Key Group: Young Men's Group

Helping to keep everyone going throughout the pandemic, this Key Group decided to create rainbow gift packs for members of their local youth group. Complete with fun activities and thoughtful gifts, the Young Men's Group set about surprising friends and peers with their kindness packs.


Key Group: The Satiricals

After seeing families struggling to stay entertained on a budget during the lockdown, The Satiricals developed their own community catalogue which provided local families with access to games, activities and equipment free of charge. The inspirational idea was welcomed by many. 


Key Group: Wellbeing Chill Night

With no plans of letting the pandemic stop them in their tracks, this Key Group wanted to create 'Wellbeing Chilled Night in' packs for Care Leavers who were alone. The ambitious group made 75 individual packs that included wellbeing items to promote self-care, chilled night items that young care leavers cannot always afford to buy for themselves and some delicious snacks to enjoy.


Key Group: SYC

Being kind to the environment was important to SYC and so they wanted to use their Key Project to help tackle the issue. Facing the big challenge of encouraging others to care about the environment too, the group came up with their visionary Key Project to supply school-age children in their local area with a free refillable water bottle. A simple but effective idea made even stronger by distributing hints and tips to inspire their families to get involved and make environmental changes within their own home. The group helped raise awareness of environmental issues and share ways for children and their families to be kind to their environment too.


The Key Framework empowers young people to reach and support thousands of members of the community in their own unique ways. We're honoured to be part of the journey and see them spread so much kindness each day! Did you know that for every one young person engaged in The Key Framework an additional nine members of the community benefit? Find out how you can make the most of The Key Framework by emailing!

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