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We need your views - Meet Jess!

For a few years now, we've been supporting students from Newcastle University through work placements at The Key. We're delighted to be doing it once again and are excited to introduce you to Jess and her research...

Hi, my name is Jess and I am a student at Newcastle University. As part of my course, I’m doing a work placement with The Key and leading on some research with young people and partners about the ‘12 Key Skills’ and reviewing whether they need changing or updating.

The 12 Key Skills have been around for a long time and The Key are really keen to talk to young people and get some insight into how useful they think the current 12 Key Skills are in supporting them in their lives, if there are any changes we should make or additional skills we should be adding in. 

I’ve set up a questionnaire asking for opinions from young people about how useful they think the 12 Key Skills are to them, as well as how they have learned and developed their skills throughout their time in education, (both within school and out of school). I would really appreciate it if you could share the survey with the young people you work with and ask them to complete it. There are no personal details required and all responses are anonymous. 

It is my aim to present the results of the research to The Key and partners to support them in making sure the 12 Key Skills and The Key Framework are relevant and helpful to those young people we work and make sure we are providing the best possible opportunities for young people to believe in themselves and achieve their potential. 

The link to the survey is  

And if you have any questions about it or need more information then please email  

Thanks for your help in advance,

- Jess

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