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The Satiricals: Community Catalogue

Faisal, Mohammed and Valter, all aged 17, used their fast-thinking ways to respond to an emerging community need in lockdown with their Summer Key Project.

Lockdown brought about many challenges for The Satiricals as they had to move to self-guided schooling at home and were unable to attend regular face to face sessions at their youth club. The young men didn’t let the unprecedented situation stop them as support from their Key Facilitator meant they were able to move to the planning of their Key Project virtually.  

The Satiricals noticed that many families in their community were dealing with a lot at the beginning of lockdown and, as it was a new situation for everyone, they wanted to do something to make their lives easier. With an overwhelming need from families to provide affordable entertainment and fun for their children and young people, they came up with their Community Catalogue idea.

So, with their idea set, the group got to planning. They had to consult with the community about activity ideas, search online for all age-appropriate items, pull together an incredibly detailed project budget, think about the implications of hiring out equipment, come up with a booking process, negotiate a free delivery system and search for information and get advice about how best to sanitise the hired items to make them safe for all. With all of this development and planning complete and ready to present at panel, it was no doubt that the Key Panel gave the group the go ahead!

Motivated by their yes at panel, The Satiricals got going. They purchased the goods, set up their booking and cleaning system before sharing the news about their innovative idea. It didn’t take long before the project took off and soon the group were flooded with bookings.

Faisal, Mohammed and Valter’s Community Catalogue now provide local families with the opportunity to hire out games, activities and equipment completely free. The project provides families with the opportunity to make stress free memories by removing the financial barrier many may face.  

Thanks to their fast thinking, many children and young people have been, and continue to be, kept entertained in the safety of their own home as they try out new and different games, sports and activities thanks to The Satiricals! 

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