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Tea & Cake for All!

Three students from Hebburn Comprehensive School were inspired by International Women's Day with their Stage 1 Key Project.

The young women have been taking part in a wider project looking at women’s rights and after being inspired by the suffragettes and other inspirational female role models from the past, decided they wanted to get older ladies from their community together to talk about the changes they’ve experienced and look at the differences of being a woman today.

With this in mind Tea and Cake got to planning their afternoon celebration. The group firstly had to search for information and get the best prices for their cake, decorations and tea and more. After coming up with thier full budget, the girls approached their head teacher and communicated their idea to him. Key Group, Tea & Cake, needed the yes for the head teacher before they could head to panel and pitch their idea to Key Community Panel Members.

With a negotiated yes from the school, the young ladies were excited but nervous when heading to Key Panel. The group did brilliantly though and were soon given their second yes to go ahead and invite elderly ladies into the school for their community afternoon tea.

On the day, 12 young students were joined by 12 elderly residents and built strong connections with each other through their shared interest women's rights and the heritage of gender equality.

It was great to see the young people take their passions for international women’s day and turn them into something for the whole community to enjoy. This is what The Key is all about and it’s great to see the young people break the intergenerational barrier.

Claire Sharp, Hebburn Comprehensive School teacher, said: "The young people have truly embraced this event and Key Project with enthusiasm and imagination. The young ladies have gone from strength to strength and we’re noticing a real boost in their overall confidence, aspirations and understanding of women’s rights."

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