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Social Action September

September – Back to School, Harvest Festivals and the start of Autumn and now for us at The Key, a month of social action! The last 18 months has highlighted the importance of making a difference in the world, whether it be the Black Lives Matter movement, Marcus Rashford’s Food Poverty campaign or the importance of tackling climate change.

We want to play our role in this, and we can think of no better way than empowering young people to help shape the world they are living in. 

For over 30 years, we’ve been blown away by the amazing social action that Key groups have done - survival packs for the homeless, supplying local food banks, hampers for NHS staff during COVID, doorstep deliveries for elderly members of the community and many more.

To champion these amazing causes further, we are running a prize draw for young people who register their own Social Action Key Project during the month of September.

To remind you of some of the amazing social action projects we have seen, we have highlighted a few Key projects:

Key Group: Police Cadets - Crime Protection Project

Keeping the community safe - This group planned to buy a variety of crime prevention items including pay as you go mobiles, shed alarms, shed bars, door/window sensors, bike locks and purse bells. All to make sure local crime victims feel safe in their own homes.

Key Group: Change Council 16+

Some Care leavers were often alone during the pandemic so this group decided to create 75 wellbeing packs to promote self-care and items to have a chill night with, which was helpful for the key workers who couldn’t afford much due to the circumstances.

Key Group: Climatologists

Having met the Mayer in Darlington, this group discussed aspects of conservation, climate change etc. The group carried out the Mayors suggestion of joining a Tree planting event. After finding a site in Darlington that offers support and sourcing their saplings, they planted some beautiful trees.

We are so excited about some of the projects that are about to launch and our message to young people is simple:

"Never doubt that a small Key group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world"

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The Key

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