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5 KEY+ ideas

We've been racking our brains and thinking of new ideas to help you kickstart your 2023 KEY+ journey.

We've taken some inspiration from young people who have hit the ground running this year and added a few ideas from The Key team too. Here's our top 5 ideas to get your ideas flowing...

  1. Cooking class: Gather the troops and the ingredients to make a tasty meal together. Learn new skills and make a new tasty dish to share with everyone attending your youth session.

    Skills: Search for information for the recipe and ingredients, Negotiate with your peers on which dish to make and Settle disagreements if any are to arise.

  2. Enterprising candle business: Get creative by creating your own resource and activity pack to help you and others get through lockdown.

    Skills: Solve problems like all business owners as you get to grips with pricing and products and Communicate with customers as you learn to sell.

  3. Community quiz night: Pick your quizmaster and grab a pen and paper for a quiz night for all. There's nothing quite like starting the year off right by learning some new things and getting the competition going.

    Skills: Plan your time and energy to get your school work done and write the quiz questions, Communicate with the community to promote the quiz and get more involved.
  4. Cinema night: Beat the January blues and get together with friends at your local youth club to share some popcorn, chill out and watch your favourite film. 

    Skills: Deal with people in power and authority to get the go ahead and Search for information for snack prices.

  5. Social action community project: January is a hard month for many so why not do some research and speak to people in your community about how you could take action and help those most in need. A food bank collection, a community garden to brighten spirits or even a mental health awareness campaign.

    Skills: Agree your responsibilities and see them through to deliver a project that helps others and Assess your own performance as you see the difference your social action project has made to your local community.

Just 5 ideas to get you started. Got any ideas of your own? We’d love to hear them…

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