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At The Key, we love seeing the real impact of KEY+ in action, and Gosforth East Middle School is a fantastic example of how the KEY+ Challenge can empower young people. As a valued partner, they’ve been using KEY+ to give their students meaningful, youth-led opportunities to build skills, confidence, and independence.

The Key spoke to Helen Cheape, a KEY+ Facilitator from Gosforth East Middle School, about her experience with The Key.

“We use KEY+ to promote self confidence, help pupils with friendships and issues with anxiety. Students are nominated by their teachers and groups form from these nominations. We find it works really well with those sometimes invisible students who are very quiet. It gives them their chance to shine.”

“Students absolutely love being part of The Key. They throw themselves into it and the £1000 challenge particularly excites and motivates them. We see real changes in pupils confidence, self worth, self belief, and motivation.”

How long have you got! I could bore for Britain on how brilliant The Key is. I love the way it puts young people in the driving seat, takes them out of their comfort zones and gives them new experiences. It makes them believe that anything is possible if you work hard enough. Something being scary/challenging/hard work/difficult is not a barrier if you want it enough. In our recent Ofsted, the inspector described the pupils involved with KEY+ as being the leaders of the future (didn’t write that in the report though)."

“Again, how long have you got? I have lots of favourites. A young man at risk of permanent exclusion is still in mainstream education because of his involvement in KEY+ and the self-belief that the CEO gave him. A young lady who shook and couldn’t speak in front of her class having the confidence to present and deliver an assembly. A young lady who is a selective mute reading a slide in her panel presentation and answering a question. I could go on! Honestly, my Key groups are one of the best parts of my job.”

“Do it without hesitation. It is fantastic value for money and the changes in the children are massive.”

Hearing from partners like Gosforth East Middle School shows just how rewarding being part of The Key can be. Through KEY+, their students have gained confidence and developed essential life skills. Their success is a brilliant example of how our programme can make a real difference.

If you’re a school or youth organisation in the North East looking to engage and inspire young people, we’d love to welcome you to The Key community. Get in touch today to find out more!

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