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‘The Cream Egg Key Voices’ is a group of young people who met to do their Stage 1 KEY+ Project every week at Simonside Climbing Wall. This is a Youth Voice Group that plans events, discusses issues, and makes sure that young people’s voices are heard in the service and wider community.

The group planned an ‘environmental’ event where there were refreshments, goody bags and resources for clothes swaps. This required the group to work together to plan the event, communicate effectively and make decisions as a team.

When evaluating their project, The Cream Egg Key Voice’s felt their project was an “environmentally inspired event for the community, to spread the word of recycling and caring for nature.” They said that “The pledge wall and interesting activities came from good preparation and a well-done panel […] everyone had an amazing night and at the end goody bags were given to everyone.”

The group all felt that budgeting was a challenge for them to overcome but with hard work and determination, the group searched online to find cheaper items and improvised their plan to make it all happen within budget.

The young people involved felt their communication skills had come on leaps and bounds too after initially struggling. The group overcame this challenging "by talking about the muddle and coming up with something."

The impact of the project was huge as The Cream Egg Key Voices taught people about green days and received kind donations from the community.

They hope that there will be a “higher understanding of what goes behind events” and that others will think twice about the impact of their actions on the environment.

The project also had a positive impact on the group as they learnt and built new skills such as decision making, social skills, problem solving and communication. They also gained new, invaluable experiences by talking to new people and successfully delivering their event.

The group said that the most enjoyable part of the project was “seeing everyone at the event happy and getting on well and not being judged for choosing second-hand clothes.”

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