KEY+ Group: ABC Team
‘ABC Team’ took on the KEY+ Challenge to build on their passion for animals and animal management. Joining forces at college and coming together as a diverse group, they had hopes and dreams of raising money for a local animal charity through a fundraising farmers’ market, complete with hook a duck, sweet cones and dog treats.
The group faced many challenges such as bad weather meaning the event had to be postponed. After postponing the event, it eventually had to be held indoors which stopped the group from being able to fill the paddling pool for hook-a-duck, meaning they had to put their problem solving skills to the test and adapt their idea.
Despite the difficulties faced, the ABC Team didn't let it stop them and the event still went off with a bang. They moved it indoors due to weather and still managed to welcome many visitors on the door.
Reflecting on the outcome of the event and the whopping £145 that the group raised for PDSA (People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals), ABC Team said that they “are very proud of raising so much money.”
Speaking about some of the skills they developed, they mentioned that they learnt lots of new skills such as public speaking and dealing with money.
The group also gained a lot of confidence, especially with people with additional needs, who have learned to communicate with people they wouldn’t normally engage with. The groups facilitator said that for the first few weeks the students wouldn't speak to anyone and felt self-conscious but by the end, they were speaking to strangers, explaining what the project was about and who they were.
The group said that they felt challenged to do things out of their comfort zone: "It's so worthwhile to do and it's really fun."
They continued to say that they “would love to do this again" and told The Key that their favourite part of the KEY+ Challenge was doing the planning stage - getting together and encouraging one another was something they really enjoyed!
At the end of their project, their facilitator, Kirsty, said that “The mixed ability group worked as a great team and allowed some of the lower ability students to engage and learn from the mainstream group. They worked so well and it gave the team a real boost.”