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NP² honoured the difficult times faced by all in the pandemic whilst highlighting the true heroes of the fight against Covid-19 with their Key Project.

The group wanted to lift the spirits of the community and bring a smile to the faces of those struggling and so came up with the brilliant idea of  working with a local artist to create a communal art piece.

NP² sourced prices for an artist and materials, agreed with a local community centre to use their wall for the mural and even asked for design ideas from local young people.

With help from other local children, young people and community members, the group went ahead and transformed a community centre's outdoor wall into a graffiti masterpiece – inspiring the community, giving thanks to key workers and providing hope with their art.

The project provided all young people involved with a positive activity to focus on and helped them not only build their confidence but also their budgeting, communication, planning and organisation skills too.

The group were even nominated and shortlisted at The Key Awards 2021 for their unique and community minded project. Well done NP²!

NP² working on their mural

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