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Volunteering with The Key

Meet Helen, a Key volunteer!

Helen began volunteering with The Key during lockdown when she signed up to become a Key Community Panel Member (CPM). As one of our most flexible roles, the role of the CPM can fit around the busiest of schedules and still help you to be part of the magic first hand. 

A CPM acts as a friendly, but challenging, panel member who listens to young people pitch their ideas and skills development before asking questions and then determining if young people have met the criteria to get the go ahead to do their project.

It is rewarding, exciting and definitely entertaining as young people tell you all about their project idea, how they developed it, the planning they've done so far and how they've developed the 12 Key Skills in the process.

Hear how Helen has been enjoying her volunteer time so far...

"I heard about The Key through work and signed up as a Community Panel Member because I felt like I could use my skills and experience in project planning, marketing, sales and team work to help young people who are developing these skills through projects with The Key. I’m a busy working mum of three children and this was a great way to volunteer with my limited spare time."

"I enjoy every single interaction with young people through my role as CPM. I am constantly inspired and entertained by the positive, witty and creative individuals. I always end sessions energised and grateful. If these young people are anything to go by, the future is in good hands."

"I believe to be happy and successful in the future and solve the systemic problems society faces, young people will need the critical thinking skills that we aren’t necessarily teaching (enough) in schools. The Key supports young people to come up with creative project ideas and work out what they need to do to navigate challenges, realise their goals and see their plans through to fruition as a team. The Key also encourages young people to reflect individually on how they are working and to recognise how they are developing their emotional intelligence and collaborative abilities, I think that having a reflective approach to life is very powerful and that through working with The Key, young people are building vital skills which will be useful tools for their adult lives."

"I started volunteering for The Key during the pandemic so I have only done a few sessions online. My most memorable was for a group who were planning to make a video to raise awareness of things young people can do to support positive mental health. The group in question had a very confident young person who did most of the speaking for the group, his internet connection failed and it came down to the quieter members of the group to continue the pitch. It was lovely to see them grow in confidence and pride as I asked them questions about their project, realising how far they had come and how much they had achieved as a group. When their team mate re-joined the call I was delighted to be able to approve their project."

Are you passionate about inspiring belief in young people? Then why not volunteer with The Key and help us on our mission.

Here at The Key we understand that fitting volunteering around your work and personal life can be tricky. That's why we've created a range of different volunteering opportunities that can accommodate even the busiest of schedules.

So whether you want to inspire young people first hand or use your skills to help us help young people indirectly, we've got the perfect opportunity for you. Register your interest here.

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