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12 Ways for International Day of Happiness

It's International Day of Happiness, so we've got came up with 12 ways you could spread the joy and make others happy with your Key Project...

  1. Organise a picnic and invite your local community along
  2. Run a kindness project and tape kind messages around the city, village or town
  3. Start an anti-bullying campaign with your friends
  4. Arrange a litter pick project and tidy up your local area
  5. Tell your group members how well they've developed their skills throughout your project
  6. Invite your friends to your youth club to get involved in your Key Project
  7. Dream up and plan that activity you've always wanted to do and then make it happen with your friends
  8. Plan a fitness activity to get that serotonin pumping and energize those involved
  9. Tag The Key in your super smiley panel selfie on social media - we LOVE seeing you all in action throughout The Key Framework :D
  10. Plant some flowers and jazz up your local green space because who doesn't love to see some flowers?
  11. Spread the smiles by handing out kind messages and quotes to strangers on the street
  12. Smile, say hello, believe in yourself and be kind to those around you - we think happiness is contagious!

Got some ideas of your own? Spread the joy and let us know! We'd love to see how #InternationalDayofHappiness inspired you!

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The Key

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